Tenses, Verb Phrase, Singular and Plural Nouns
I. Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu hal yang terus-menerus dilakukan, kegiatan sehari-hari, dan juga untuk menyatakan atau menyebutkan suatu fakta atau kebenaran umum. Dalam Simple Present Tense, kata kerja (verb) yang digunakan adalah kata kerja (verb) bentuk awal.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
(+) Subject + Verb 1 + Object
(-) Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object
(?) DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
(?) Question Word + DO/ DOES + Subject + Verb 1?
Contoh :
(+) I speak English everyday
She speaks English everyday
(-) I don't speak English
She doesn't speak English
Do you speak English?
(?) Jawaban: Yes I do, atau No, I don't
Does she speak English?
Jawaban: Yes She does, atau No, She doesn’t
(?) Why do you speak English everyday ?
II. Present Continuous Tense
Tense ini digunakan untuk menyebut perubahan bentuk kata kerja berdasarkan waktu terjadinya. Dalam pengertian Present Continuous Tense merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung. Jadi tindakan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu berlangsung. Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa digunakan untuk bentuk tindakan yang berlangsung hanya untuk jangka waktu yang singkat. Kita juga bisa menggunakan tense ini untuk membicarakan suatu perubahan atau perkembangan yang sedang berlangsung dalam rentang waktu yang lama. Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa dipakai untuk menyebut suatu tindakan yang akan di dilakukan di masa depan (perencanaan). Umumnya, tense ini juga biasa disebut Present Progressive Tense.
Berikut rumus present continuous tense untuk membuat kalimat-kalimat
A. Positif:
subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object
Contoh : I am watching TV now
B. Negatif :
subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object
Contoh : Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta atau
Mr. Khanafi isn’t going to Jakarta
C. Tanya :
to be + subject + verb – ing + object
Is Mrs. Annisa cooking in the kitchen ?
Dalam pembentukan tense ini, dibutuhkan :
A. Bentuk “to be”
1. Tunggal,
I am (orang pertama)
You are (orang kedua)
He / she / it is (orang ketiga)
2. Jamak,
We are (orang pertama)
You are (orang kedua)
They are (orang ketiga)
B. bentuk kata kerja “-ing”
Contoh :
go + ing = going
C. Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang sering digunakan dalam Present Continuous tense : now, right now, at the moment, just, still dan tomorrow (digunakan khusus untuk yang menunjuk suatu perencanaan). Contoh:
a. I am writing a book now.
b. We are eating noodles at the moment.
c. She is still waiting for her son.
d. Tomorrow, they are going to go to Jakarta.
D. Selain itu, kita bisa juga menggunakan tense ini untuk suatu rutinitas sementara, contoh :
He is working at home this week because he is sick.
Keterangan waktu yang digunakan dalam bentuk ini adalah this week, theese days, this month, etc.
III. Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense menekankan pada PERFECT nya itu. Perfect kan artinya “sempurna”. Bukan sempurna karena cantik seperti Gita Gutawa, tetapi sempurna yang berarti “selesai, sudah, beres, baru saja usai, dsb”. Jadi, kalau Anda menekankan pada “SUDAH” nya itu maka gunakanlah Present Perfect Tense ini. Contoh yang paling mengena misalnya: Dia baru saja pergi (She has just gone).
Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense begini:
Positif: S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya: Have/has + S + V3
Nah, setelah Subject (S) maka pakai “have” atau “has” sesuai pasangannya. Have dalam konteks ini artinya adalah: sudah, telah, barusan. Yang aneh dalam bahasa inggris Have + ES bukan Haves tetapi HAS. Jadi pasangannya begini:
He, She, It, John, Merry, Mufli : Has
You, We, They, Ellen and Budi: Have
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
Positif: She has gone (Dia baru saja pergi)
Negatif: She has not gone
Tanya: Has She gone?
IV. Present Perfect Continuous
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau peristiwa yang sudah mulai terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih sedang berlangsung sampai sekarang.
Pola kalimat:
(+) S + have/has + been + V-ing
(-) S + have/has + not + been + V-ing
(?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing
Contoh kalimat:
- They have been talking on the phone for thirty minutes.
- He has not been working here.
- Have you been playing tennis?
V. Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu peristiwa/ kejadian yang dilakukan pada masa lampau dan diketahui pula waktu terjadinya peristiwa atau kejadian tersebut.
Rumus simple pas tense
Rumus simple past tense ada 2, yaitu rumus simple past tense (verbal) dan (nominal);
1. Verbal
(+) S + Verb-2 + O + adverb
(- ) S + did + not + Verb-1 + O + adverb
(?) Did + S + Verb-1 + O + adverb ?
2. Nominal
(+) S + tobe-2 (was/ were) + Complement (adjective/ noun (pronoun)/ adverb )
(- ) S + tobe-2 (was/ were) + not + Complement (adjective/ noun (pronoun)/ adverb )
(?) Tobe-2 (was/ were) + S + Complement (adjective/ noun (pronoun)/ adverb ) ?
Contoh simple past tense verbal dan nominal;
1. Verbal
(+) The teacher went to the school yesterday
(- ) The teacher did not go to the school yesterday
(?) Did the teacher go to the school yesterday?
(+) Guru itu pergi ke sekolah kemarin
(- ) Guru itu tidak pergi ke sekolah kemarin
(?) Apakah Guru itu pergi ke sekolah kemarin?
2. Nominal
(+) He was a scholar
(- ) He was not a scholar
(+) Was He a scholar ?
(+) Dia (laki-laki) adalah seorang sarjana
(- ) Dia (laki-laki) adalah bukan seorang sarjana
(+) Apakah Dia (laki-laki) adalah seorang sarjana?
VI. Past Continuous Tense
Dalam Pengertiannya Past Continuous Tense mengungkapkan tindakan di masa lalu yang sedang berlangsung. tindakan kadang dapat juga disela oleh sesuatu. bentuk tenses bahasa inggris ini disebut juga Past Progressive Tense.
Past continuous Tense ini dibentuk dengan bantuan “to be” kata kerja, dalam bentuk lampau, ditambah dengan present participle dari kata kerja (dengan-ing akhir).
Rumus past continuous tense untuk membuat kalimat
Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?
Contoh – Past Continuous tense :
He was sleeping when I came (+)
- Dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang
He was not sleeping when I came (-)
- Dia tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang
Was he sleeping when I came ?
- apakah dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang ?
I was working all night yesterday(+)
- saya sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
I was not working all night yesterday (-)
- Saya tidak sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
were you working all night yesterday ?
- Apakah kamu sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin ?
VII. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menghubungkan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau sebelumnya dengan kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau setelahnya. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
I had eaten when she came to my house. ( Saya sudah makan ketika dia datang kerumahku).
Pada contoh di atas, terdapat dua kegiatan yang sama-sama terjadi pada masa lampau. “she came to my house” adalah kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau, sebelum kegiatan ini terjadi, ada kegitan lain yang lebih dulu selesai sebelum kegiatan tersebut, yaitu “ makan/eat pada kalimat “I had eaten”.
Pola kalimat:
Positif : Subject + had + V3
Negative : Subject + had + not + v3
Pertanyaan : Had + subject + V3 + ?
I wasn't hungry. I had just eaten.
They were hungry. They had not eaten for five hours.
I didn't know who he was. I had never seen him before.
"Mary wasn't at home when I arrived."
"Really? Where had she gone?"
VIII. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang telah dan sedang berlangsung sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi di masa lampau.
Pola kalimat:
(+) S + had + been + V-ing
(-) S + had + not + been + V-ing
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing
Contoh kalimat:
- I had been reading a book for two hours when he arrived.
- She had not been sleeping when he walked in.
- Had you been waiting long before the taxi arrived?
IX. Simple Future Tense
Dalam membuat suatu kalimat, tentu tidak cukup dengan mengungkapkan kejadian saat ini saja. dalam mengekspresikan sesuatu, perlu juga mengungkapkan apa yang telah terjadi atau apa yang akan terjadi. Untuk mengungkapkan yang akan terjadi di masa depan, kita membutuhkan future tense. Di antara semua bentuk Future tense, Simple Future Tense adalah yang paling umum digunakan dalam banyak situasi, contoh ketika kita membuat janji, prediksi atau rencana. Dalam pengertian Simple Future Tense biasa disebut juga dengan Present Future Tense.
Rumus Simple Future Tense
1. Positif
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
We will go to school soon
The students are going to have a test next month
2. Negatif
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
We will not go to school soon
The students are not going to have a test next
3. Pertanyaan
Will/shall + subject + verb I + object
Am/is/are + subject + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
Will we go to school soon ?
Are the students going to have a test next month ?
X. Future Continuous Tense
Pengertian Kalimat Future Continuous tense pada umumnya digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa kita akan berada ditengah-tengah suatu kejadian dalam waktu tertentu di masa depan. Future Continuous dikenal juga dengan sebutan Present Future Continuous.
Kalimat Future Continuous tense juga memiliki 2 bentuk yaitu “will” dan “going to” memiliki makna yang sama dan bisa saling menggantikan saat digunakan. Berbeda dengan penggunaan pada simple future tense.
Berikut rumus future continuous tense
1. Kalimat Future continus tense positif (+)
Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing + object
2. Kalimat future continuous tense negatif (-)
Subject + will/shall + not + verb-ing + object
3. Kalimat future continuous tense interrogative atau kalimat tanya (?)
Will/shall + subject + be + verb-ing + object
Contoh Future Continuous tense:
• I will be watching a movie tonight (+)
Saya akan sedang menonton film nanti malam
• I will be reading a magazine tomorrow (+)
Saya akan sedang membaca majalah besok.
• I will not be watching a movie tonight (-)
Saya tidak akan sedang menonton film nanti malam
• I will not be reading a magazine tomorrow (-)
Saya tidak akan sedang membaca majalah besok.
• Will you be watching a movie tonight? (?)
Apakah kamu akan sedang menonton film nanti malam?
• Will you be reading a magazine tomorrow? (?)
Apakah kamu akan sedang membaca majalah besok?
XI. Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang “Sudah terjadi, tetapi AKAN”. Akan sudah gitu loh. Kalau Anda buka lagi pelajaran bahasa Inggris tentang Future Continuous Tense maka Future Perfect Tense ini pun akan sangat mudah difahami. Siapa bilang “sudah” itu hanya dulu? Sudah bisa juga “akan”!. Future artinya Akan, Perfect artinya sudah
Rumus Future Perfect Tense
Positif: S + will + have + V3
Negatif: S + will + not + have + V3
Tanya: Will + S + have + V3
Contoh Future Perfect Tense :
(+) You will have worked
(-) You will not have worked
(?) Will You have worked?
XII. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Biasanya dalam kehidupan sehari hari kita akan menggunakan kalimat kalimat dengan struktur Future Perfect Continuous tense bahasa inggris ini dengan tujuan untuk menceritakan kejadian kejadian yang akan berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
Berikut ini adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat kalimat dengan struktur Future continues tense secara tepat dan sesuai dengan grammar yang berlaku.
1. Rumus untuk kalimat positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + verb-ing + object
2. Rumus untuk kalimat negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + have + been + verb-ing + object
3. Rumus untuk kalimat interrogative atau kalimat tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + have + been + verb-ing + object?
Contoh Future Perfect Continous Tense
(+)My grandmother will have been visiting us tomorrow morning
(-)My grandmother will not have been visiting us tomorrow morning
(?)Will your grandmother have been visiting you tomorrow morning?
Verb phrase adalah phrase yang headnya berupa verb dan modifiarnya berupa adverb. pola verb phrase sama dengan pola phrase yang lain yaitu
M + H + M
M : modifier/adverb
H : Head/verb
Contoh dari kalimat ini adalah :
1. Sleep well
I always sleep well
2. Work hard
He never works hard for his exam
3. Grab fast
We want to grab fast the toys
4. Catch up
Tom catches up jerry in front of table
5. Pick up
Please, pick up me!!
Kata benda atau nomina mempunyai dua bentuk (form) kata, yaitu singular dan plural.
Singular nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda yang berjumlah tunggal atau satu, misalnya: a computer, a chair, a train, a player, a teacher, a taxi, etc. Sedangkan plural nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah banyak (jamak), misalnya: computers, chairs, trains, players, teachers, taxis, etc.
Singular nouns umumnya disertai determiners (a/an, this, that, the), misalnya: a river, a castle, an idea, this book, the man, etc.
Umumnya plural nouns dibentuk dengan menambah huruf -s di belakang kata benda yang akan dibuat dalam bentuk jamak, misalnya: boats, bats, houses, rivers, computer, boys, girls, etc.
Perhatikan catatan dan contoh pembentukan plural nouns berikut di bawah ini.
Nomina yang berakhiran -s, -ss, -ch, -sh atau –x ditambah akhiran –es.
- bus --> buses
- glass --> glasses
- dress --> dresses
- branch --> branches
- church --> churches
- beach --> beaches
- sandwich --> sandwiches
- witch --> witches
- brush --> brushes
- flash --> flashes
- box --> boxes
- fox --> foxes
Nomina yang berakhiran –y, diganti dengan i kemudian ditambah –es.
- baby --> babies
- family --> families
- story --> stories
- fairy --> fairies
- puppy --> puppies
- housefly --> houseflies
- library --> libraries
- city --> cities
- lily --> lilies
- party --> parties
- dictionary --> dictionaries
Nomina berakhiran –y yang sebelumnya terdapat huruf hidup atau vokal (vowel), langsung ditambah akhiran –s. Kecuali nomina yang berakhiran –quy, -y diganti dengan i kemudian ditambah –es (soliloquy --> soliloquies).
- key --> keys
- monkey --> monkeys
- donkey --> donkeys
- toy --> toys
- boy --> boys
- cowboy --> cowboys
- day --> days
- tray --> trays
- runway --> runways
- chimney --> chimneys
- trolley --> trolleys
- valley --> valleys
Nomina yang berakhiran –f, diganti dengan v kemudian ditambah –es.
- half --> halves
- leaf --> leaves
- shelf --> shelves
- wolf --> wolves
- thief --> thieves
Beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –f, hanya ditambah akhiran –s.
- chief --> chiefs
- roof --> roofs
- handkerchief --> handkerchiefs
- cliff --> cliffs
- puff --> puffs
Dan beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –f bisa dijadikan plural dengan dua cara di atas.
- scarf --> scarfs or scarves
- hoof --> hoofs or hooves
- dwarf --> dwarfs or dwarves
- wharf --> wharfs or wharves
Nomina yang berakhiran –fe, maka f diganti dengan v kemudian ditambah –s.
- knife --> knives
- wife --> wives
- life --> lives
- midwife --> midwives
Nomina yang berakhiran –o, hanya ditambah akhiran –s.
- video --> videos
- hippo --> hippos
- zoo --> zoos
- kangaroo --> kangaroos
Tetapi beberapa nomina tertentu yang berakhiran -o, jika dijadikan plural ada yang ditambah akhiran –es.
- tomato --> tomatoes
- potato --> potatoes
- hero --> heroes
Dan ada juga beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –o bisa dijadikan plural dengan dua cara di atas
- mango --> mangoes or mangos
- mosquito --> mosquitoes or mosquitos
- zero --> zeroes or zeros
- buffalo --> buffaloes or buffalos
Beberapa nomina berubah ejaannya jika berubah menjadi plural (irregular plurals).
- man --> men
- woman --> women
- child --> children
- person --> people
- mouse --> mice
- tooth --> teeth
- foot --> feet
- goose --> geese
Beberapa nomina mempunyai bentuk yang sama, baik singular maupun plural.
- sheep --> sheep
- deer --> deer
- fish --> fish
- aircraft --> aircraft
- salmon --> salmon
Kata fish (collectively) bila digunakan untuk menyatakan jenisnya (individuals or kinds) maka bentuk plural-nya menggunakan fishes.
- The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.
Beberapa nomina selalu berbentuk plural, misalnya: trousers, glasses, shorts, spectacles, jeans, goggles, pants, scissors, tights, binoculars, pyjamas, pliers. Gunakan a pair of untuk menjadikan nomina tersebut ke bentuk singular.
- a pair of binoculars- a pair of spectacles
- a pair of jeans
Pada compound words, nominanya (main words) dijadikan ke bentuk plural.
- mother-in-law --> mothers-in-law
- passerby --> passersby
- sister-in-law --> sisters-in-law
Jika tidak ada nomina atau kata benda pada compound words tambahkan akhiran –s.
- mix-up --> mix-ups
- takeoff --> takeoffs
Jika compound words berakhiran -ful, tambahkan saja akhiran –s.
- cupful --> cupfuls
Nomina yang berupa angka, huruf bisa di bentuk menjadi plural dengan menambahkan apostrophes (‘) dan s.
- How many 3’s make 9?
- There are two m’s in ‘comma’.
Beberapa nomina yang berasal dari luar bahasa Inggris (Latin, Greek, etc.) mempunyai bentuk plural tersendiri (irregular plural) mengikuti bahasa asalnya.
- nucleus --> nuclei
- syllabus --> syllabi
- focus --> foci (focuses)
- fungus --> fungi
- cactus --> cacti (cactuses)
- thesis --> theses
- crisis --> crises
- phenomenon --> phenomena
- index --> indices (indexes)
- appendix --> appendices (appendixes)
- criterion --> criteria
- analysis --> analyses
- axis --> axes
- bacterium --> bacteria
- parenthesis -->parentheses
- datum --> data
- alumnus --> alumni
Contoh Singular Nouns
- I buy one apple
Contoh Plural Nouns
- I buy two apples
Sumber :
Kamis, 19 Maret 2015
subject,verb,complement and modifier
Definition: The subject of a sentence is the noun, pronoun or noun phrase that precedes and governs the main verb. The subject is the part of the sentence that performs an action or which is associated with the action.
For example:
* He is a really nice guy.
* "He" is the subject of the sentence, controlling the verb and the complement.
* My dog attacked the burglar.
* "My dog" is the subject, controlling the verb and the rest of the sentence.
* David plays the piano
* The subject "David" performs the action of "playing the piano".
* The police interviewed all the witnesses.
* The subject the police performs the action of interviewing all the witnesses.
To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing "who?" or "what?" before it. Having identified the Subject, we can see that the remainder of the sentence tells us what the Subject does or did. We refer to this string as the "predicate" of the sentence.
For example:
* Who plays the piano?
=> "David" ( = Subject)
=> "plays the piano" ( = predicate) tells us what David does.
* Who interviewed all the witnesses?
=> "The police" (= Subject)
=> "interviewed all the witnesses" ( = predicate) tell us what the police did.
Subjects can either be "simple", "compound" or "complex"
Simple Subject
Composed of a single pronoun, noun or noun phrase.
Complex Subject
A complex subject consists of a noun phrase and any words, phrases, or clauses that modify it.
For example:
* The man who had followed us inside walked over to the telephone.
=> central noun: man
=> complex subject: the man who had followed us inside
* The superior performance of La Traviata pleased the wealthy audience.
=> central noun: performance
=> complex subject: the superior performance of La Traviata
Compound Subject
A compound subject consists of two or more noun phrases (and their modifiers if any) joined together with a coordinating conjunction.
For example:
* The man and the woman walked over to the telephone.
=> The compound subject here is the whole phrase, "the man and the woman."
* Neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission pleased the wealthy audience.
=> Again, the whole phrase, "neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission," is the subject. The phrase answers the question, "What pleased the wealthy audience?"
Definition: Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.
For example:
* Paul rides a bicycle.
* Here, the verb rides certainly denotes an action which Paul performs - the action of riding a bicycle.
* We buy some books to learn English verbs.
* In this example, the action word is "to buy". It tells us that the subject "we", that is the person who performs the action of the verb is "buying some books".
The verb tense shows the time of the action or state. Aspect shows whether the action or state is completed or not. Voice is used to show relationships between the action and the people affected by it. Mood shows the attitude of the speaker about the verb, whether it is a declaration or an order. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with the subject.
Most statements in speech and writing have a main verb. These verbs are expressed in "tenses" which place everything in a point in time.
Verbs are conjugated (inflected) to reflect how they are used. There are two general areas in which conjugation occurs; for person and for tense.
Conjugation for tense
Conjugation for tense is carried out on all verbs. All conjugations start with the infinitive form of the verb.
The infinitive is simply the to form of the verb For example, to begin.
The present participle form (the -ing form), is formed by adding ing to the bare infinitive. For example, to begin - beginning.
There are two other forms that the verb can take, depending on the tense type and time, the simple past form and the past participle.
The form of the verb or its tense can tell when events take place.
For example, the verb kiss:
Present Simple: kiss/kisses
Past Simple: kissed
Future Simple: will kiss
Present Perfect: has/have kissed
Past Perfect: had kissed
Future Perfect: will have kissed
Present Continuous (Progressive): is/am/are kissing
Past Continuous (Progressive): was kissing
Future Continuous (Progressive): will be kissing
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive): has/have been kissing
Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive): had been kissing
Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive): will have been kissing
Conjugation for person
Conjugation for person occurs when the verb changes form, depending on whether it is governed by a first, second, or third person subject. This gives three conjugations for any verb depending on who is acting as the subject of the verb. For example: we have I begin, you begin , and he begins. Note that only the third conjunction really shows a difference.
In English, we distinguish between regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs are those ones which form their past simple and past participle just by adding "-ed" to the base of the verb. The rest are irregular.
* Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
* In early October, Giselle will plant twenty tulip bulbs.
* She travels to work by train.
* We walked five miles to a garage.
The Grammatical Subject Complement in English
Although nouns and adjectives most frequently function as the subject complement of sentences, five grammatical forms can perform the grammatical function of subject complement in the English language. Both native speakers and ESL students must learn and understand the five forms that can function as the subject complement in order to speak and write English fully and correctly. The five grammatical forms that can function as the subject complement are:
1. Noun phrases
2. Adjective phrases
3. Prepositional phrases
4. Verb phrases
5. Noun clauses
Subject complements are defined as words, phrases, and clauses that follow a copular or linking verb and refer back to modify or describe the subject. Subject complements are grammatical constituents embedded in the predicate of clauses.
Noun Phrases as Subject Complements
The first grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of subject complement is the noun phrase. Noun phrases are defined as phrases that consist of a noun or pronoun plus any modifiers or complements. For example, the following italicized noun phrases function as subject complements:
* My favorite subject is grammar.
* The professor is an exceptionally intelligent person.
* My sister became a mother last night.
Traditional grammars generally use the term predicate nominative to refer to noun phrases functioning as subject complements.
Adjective Phrases as Subject Complements
The second grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of subject complement is the adjective phrase. Adjective phrases are defined as phrases that consist of an adjective plus any modifiers or complements.
Predicates, Objects, Complements. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/objects.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Grammar Handbook: Complements. http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/complements/. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Diagramming Sentences. http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/diagram_gram06.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Verb Complements. http://public.wsu.edu/~mejia/Verb_3.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Subject Complements. http://www.sinclair.edu/centers/tlc/pub/handouts_worksheets/grammar_punctuation_writing/subject_complements.pdf. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Nouns. http://www.towson.edu/ows/nouns.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Structural Syntax: The Objective Complement. http://facweb.furman.edu/~wrogers/syntax/oc.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Module 2 Concepts: Object Complements. http://faculty.unlv.edu/nagelhout/ENG411Bs12C/mod2concept8.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Module 2 Concepts: Pred ADJ and Pred NOM. http://faculty.unlv.edu/nagelhout/ENG411Bs12C/mod2concept6.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Definition: The subject of a sentence is the noun, pronoun or noun phrase that precedes and governs the main verb. The subject is the part of the sentence that performs an action or which is associated with the action.
For example:
* He is a really nice guy.
* "He" is the subject of the sentence, controlling the verb and the complement.
* My dog attacked the burglar.
* "My dog" is the subject, controlling the verb and the rest of the sentence.
* David plays the piano
* The subject "David" performs the action of "playing the piano".
* The police interviewed all the witnesses.
* The subject the police performs the action of interviewing all the witnesses.
To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing "who?" or "what?" before it. Having identified the Subject, we can see that the remainder of the sentence tells us what the Subject does or did. We refer to this string as the "predicate" of the sentence.
For example:
* Who plays the piano?
=> "David" ( = Subject)
=> "plays the piano" ( = predicate) tells us what David does.
* Who interviewed all the witnesses?
=> "The police" (= Subject)
=> "interviewed all the witnesses" ( = predicate) tell us what the police did.
Subjects can either be "simple", "compound" or "complex"
Simple Subject
Composed of a single pronoun, noun or noun phrase.
Complex Subject
A complex subject consists of a noun phrase and any words, phrases, or clauses that modify it.
For example:
* The man who had followed us inside walked over to the telephone.
=> central noun: man
=> complex subject: the man who had followed us inside
* The superior performance of La Traviata pleased the wealthy audience.
=> central noun: performance
=> complex subject: the superior performance of La Traviata
Compound Subject
A compound subject consists of two or more noun phrases (and their modifiers if any) joined together with a coordinating conjunction.
For example:
* The man and the woman walked over to the telephone.
=> The compound subject here is the whole phrase, "the man and the woman."
* Neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission pleased the wealthy audience.
=> Again, the whole phrase, "neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission," is the subject. The phrase answers the question, "What pleased the wealthy audience?"
Definition: Verbs are a class of words used to show the performance of an action (do, throw, run), existence (be), possession (have), or state (know, love) of a subject. To put it simply a verb shows what something or someone does.
For example:
* Paul rides a bicycle.
* Here, the verb rides certainly denotes an action which Paul performs - the action of riding a bicycle.
* We buy some books to learn English verbs.
* In this example, the action word is "to buy". It tells us that the subject "we", that is the person who performs the action of the verb is "buying some books".
The verb tense shows the time of the action or state. Aspect shows whether the action or state is completed or not. Voice is used to show relationships between the action and the people affected by it. Mood shows the attitude of the speaker about the verb, whether it is a declaration or an order. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with the subject.
Most statements in speech and writing have a main verb. These verbs are expressed in "tenses" which place everything in a point in time.
Verbs are conjugated (inflected) to reflect how they are used. There are two general areas in which conjugation occurs; for person and for tense.
Conjugation for tense
Conjugation for tense is carried out on all verbs. All conjugations start with the infinitive form of the verb.
The infinitive is simply the to form of the verb For example, to begin.
The present participle form (the -ing form), is formed by adding ing to the bare infinitive. For example, to begin - beginning.
There are two other forms that the verb can take, depending on the tense type and time, the simple past form and the past participle.
The form of the verb or its tense can tell when events take place.
For example, the verb kiss:
Present Simple: kiss/kisses
Past Simple: kissed
Future Simple: will kiss
Present Perfect: has/have kissed
Past Perfect: had kissed
Future Perfect: will have kissed
Present Continuous (Progressive): is/am/are kissing
Past Continuous (Progressive): was kissing
Future Continuous (Progressive): will be kissing
Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive): has/have been kissing
Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive): had been kissing
Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive): will have been kissing
Conjugation for person
Conjugation for person occurs when the verb changes form, depending on whether it is governed by a first, second, or third person subject. This gives three conjugations for any verb depending on who is acting as the subject of the verb. For example: we have I begin, you begin , and he begins. Note that only the third conjunction really shows a difference.
In English, we distinguish between regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs are those ones which form their past simple and past participle just by adding "-ed" to the base of the verb. The rest are irregular.
* Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
* In early October, Giselle will plant twenty tulip bulbs.
* She travels to work by train.
* We walked five miles to a garage.
The Grammatical Subject Complement in English
Although nouns and adjectives most frequently function as the subject complement of sentences, five grammatical forms can perform the grammatical function of subject complement in the English language. Both native speakers and ESL students must learn and understand the five forms that can function as the subject complement in order to speak and write English fully and correctly. The five grammatical forms that can function as the subject complement are:
1. Noun phrases
2. Adjective phrases
3. Prepositional phrases
4. Verb phrases
5. Noun clauses
Subject complements are defined as words, phrases, and clauses that follow a copular or linking verb and refer back to modify or describe the subject. Subject complements are grammatical constituents embedded in the predicate of clauses.
Noun Phrases as Subject Complements
The first grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of subject complement is the noun phrase. Noun phrases are defined as phrases that consist of a noun or pronoun plus any modifiers or complements. For example, the following italicized noun phrases function as subject complements:
* My favorite subject is grammar.
* The professor is an exceptionally intelligent person.
* My sister became a mother last night.
Traditional grammars generally use the term predicate nominative to refer to noun phrases functioning as subject complements.
Adjective Phrases as Subject Complements
The second grammatical form that can perform the grammatical function of subject complement is the adjective phrase. Adjective phrases are defined as phrases that consist of an adjective plus any modifiers or complements.
Predicates, Objects, Complements. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/objects.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Grammar Handbook: Complements. http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/complements/. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Diagramming Sentences. http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/diagram_gram06.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Verb Complements. http://public.wsu.edu/~mejia/Verb_3.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Subject Complements. http://www.sinclair.edu/centers/tlc/pub/handouts_worksheets/grammar_punctuation_writing/subject_complements.pdf. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Nouns. http://www.towson.edu/ows/nouns.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Structural Syntax: The Objective Complement. http://facweb.furman.edu/~wrogers/syntax/oc.htm. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Module 2 Concepts: Object Complements. http://faculty.unlv.edu/nagelhout/ENG411Bs12C/mod2concept8.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.
Module 2 Concepts: Pred ADJ and Pred NOM. http://faculty.unlv.edu/nagelhout/ENG411Bs12C/mod2concept6.html. Accessed on October 13, 2012.